Set Door RW Type Name

Button Description This button will update a door families Type Name to reflect its parameter values.

When to Use Any stage in project when updating Door Type names

How to Use

  1. Select Door Types from List

  2. Click Set Door Type Name to run


Door Types are renamed and reflect their type parameter values.

Type Naming Logic

The logic blow uses values from Type Parameters to drive the Type Name. This method allows door Type Names to be easily updated accurately & consistently across a project. Basic Door [Type Mark]_[Panel Width]X[Panel Height]_[BS_DOOR TYPE FRAME]_[BS_DOOR TYPE LEAF]_[BS_LOCATION] Example: D1_920X2040_PM1_SC1_APARTMENT ENTRY Curtain Panel Door [Type Mark]_[BS_DOOR TYPE FRAME]_[BS_DOOR TYPE LEAF]_[BS_LOCATION] Example: D105_AL1_GF1_CORRIDOR The following will appear as a placeholder if the parameter field is left blank:

  • Type Mark placeholder DXXX

  • BS_DOOR TYPE FRAME placeholder FTX

  • BS_DOOR TYPE LEAF placeholder LTX


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