Duplicate Sheets Only

Button Description This button will duplicate sheets only, retaining the sheet name, sheet number end (A03.001) whilst replacing the sheet series (A03.001), titleblock & setting the BS_SHEET SUBSET + BS_SHEET SUBSET parameters by us.

When to Use Creating Sheets for a new sheet series when correct numbering of sheets already exists in the project. Best used for typical type series sheets (General Arrangement, Concrete Profile, Partition, Reflected Ceiling Plan, ect.) where the sheet number end is referencing sheets level. When TP series sheets become A series sheets.


How to Use

  1. Select Sheets to Duplicate from list Only select sheets from a single series per run (eg. TP02 sheets only).

  2. Set new Sheet Number Series (eg. A03) This will replace the current sheet series in the sheet number. The button will only detect the sheet series by the full stop '.' that separates the Sheet Series from the Sheet End Number. [A03.01] > [Sheet Series.Sheet End Number]

  3. Enter BS_SERIES SERIES, this parameter is visible on the Titleblock and is usually the Series Name for typical type sheets. Formatting: Series Name (Use Title Casting )

  4. Confirm selection settings and click tickbox ✔️

  5. Click Create Duplicate Sheet/s button to run.

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